Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Okay I have got the crafting bug. Like I have time....On top of EVERYTHING else I do. Im just not happy I guess unless I have a million balls in the air. Got a new sewing machine, a Brother HE240, it does embroidery too. LLOVVVEE IT. Need to take a sewing class or something. Anywho, Ive had my etsy store for  a little while now. BUT I have soo many things in my head to make and sell. Im slowly getting stuff done though. Heres a link to my store. http://www.etsy.com/shop/ETSYssippicrafts?ref=pr_shop

I have bought a few things off craigslist and thirft stores that I will "upcycle". Ill post before and after pics on here. Cant wait.

As far as nursing school, I'm on track to graduate in December. I absolutely cant wait. I'm so burnt out on nursing school and constantly studying. Check back soon for more updates. Got the app on my phone so maybe I'll be more on top of posting. lol